Life-changing classes for families and caregivers of individuals living with a mental health condition.
A seminar to connect Family & Friends with information and support.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness – of the Greater Mississippi Valley and we are pleased to serve you. The greatest gifts we can give you and your loved ones are mental health education, advocacy, help and hope.
We understand that getting here – to this very moment on this web page – wasn’t easy. You might be feeling a sense of relief or you may feel anxious or stressed because it can be so overwhelming. Either way, you are in the right place and we’ll take you just as you are.
If you want to confirm whether NAMI Greater Mississippi Valley is for you, click here. We’ll share more about who we are and what our mental health services can offer you and your loved ones.
*Please note that ‘you’ is often interchangeable between
1) those living with this condition and 2) those supporting a loved one.
We offer valuable resources for mental health education in the Quad Cities and beyond. Consider us your mental health education home for:
Click below to sign up for our free, upcoming
monthly seminar.
Click below to explore our other educational opportunities or support groups.
As a person living with mental health illness, you might feel broken, hurt and confused.
As the family member of someone challenged with mental health illness, you might feel broken-hearted, ashamed, guilty, responsible, nervous and helpless.
Persons with mental illness often navigate serious health conditions. The probability of these leading causes of death presenting is greater: diabetes, cancer, cardiometabolic disease, substance use and suicide.
NAMI provides proven educational programs that are life-changing. Find one near you (we serve the greater Mississippi Valley and beyond).
Recovery starts at home with people who know and love you. They can see the signs and provide the support you need. Our role as your mental health advocates is to help you – and those who love you – find help and hope.
NAMI is a grassroots organization dedicated to educating everyone – from young people to mature adults – that mental health conditions are treatable and recovery is possible. The earlier they are detected, the better.
Recovery continues beyond the home with NAMI. Your mental health issues are our mental health issues and you do not have to go it alone. We have walked the walk and talked the talk.
Whether you know it or not, we have suffered right alongside you because this is a community spanning across six counties in western Illinois and eastern Iowa. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! And you never have to work through this alone ever again.
Our local education and support programs complement the work of health care professionals, social workers and school counselors. We fill the information gap between individuals, families and healthcare providers, promoting understanding and support.
Please help us ensure that no individual or family walks alone.
NAMI Greater Mississippi Valley is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (donations are tax-deductible).
We rely on volunteers and community investment in our programs.
Join us at a Family & Friends seminar to learn about options.
Not quite ready to commit but still want to learn about resources?
Read on about our support groups.
Looking for a free support group?.