An free eight-session course for family members, caregivers and friends of an adult loved one living with a mental health condition.
Thursdays from February 20 to April 10, 6 to 8:30 p.m. Learn More
Register Today
Class size is limited to (20). As this course is funded by the Eastern Iowa Mental Health Region, residents of Muscatine, Cedar, Scott, Jackson and Clinton counties are given registration priority.
NAMI Family 2 Family Flier BHC 9.9.24
An eight-session course for family members, caregivers and friends of an adult loved one living with a mental health condition.
Mondays beginning September 9. Learn More
Advance Registrations taken by NAMI. Register Now.
Class size is limited to (20). As this course is funded by the Rock Island Mental Health 708 Board, residents of Rock Island County are given registration priority. For further information, call our NAMI office at 563-386-7477-x 266 (M-F 10-2).
An eight-session course for family members, caregivers and friends of an adult loved one living with a mental health condition.
Black Hawk College, Moline beginning Tuesday, September 9 NAMI Family 2 Family Flier BHC 9.9.24
Hill Church, Kewanee beginning Tuesday, October 1 NAMI Family 2 Family Flier Hill Church in Kewanee Oct 1
En Espanol, West Liberty Foods Supply Chain Building, Thursday, October 3 NAMI Family to Family Flier Spanish – WL 10.3.24
¿Quién debe asistir: los miembros de la familia y los cuidadores de una persona que vive con una condición de salud mental que es mayor de 18 años.
Programa de Educación Familia a Familia del NAMI
es un programa desarrollado a nivel nacional para aquellos que apoyan a un adulto que vive con depresión mayor, trastorno bipolar, esquizofrenia, trastorno obsesivo compulsivo, trastorno de pánico, trastorno de estrés postraumático y trastorno límite de la personalidad.
El curso es enseñado por miembros de la familia entrenados que tienen muchas de las mismas experiencias que ahora puede estar pasando. Los participantes del curso describen este programa como un cambio de vida. Únase a las miles de familias que han obtenido información, conocimiento, comprensión y empoderamiento al asistir a este programa de firma NAMI.
Este curso es gratuito para usted.
FAMILIA A FAMILIA los temas del curso incluyen:
- Respuesta familiar al trauma
- Diagnóstico y tratamiento de períodos críticos
- [Condiciones y trastornos adictivos cerebrales] concomitantes
- La biología del cerebro; descubrimientos científicos emergentes
- Taller de resolución de problemas
- Revisión de medicamentos
- Comprender la experiencia interna de tener una condición de salud mental
- Taller de técnicas de comunicación
- Autocuidado, Testimonio de grupo relativo
- Rehabilitación; servicios disponibles
NAMI Family 2 Family Flier BHC 9.9.24
An eight-session course for family members, caregivers and friends of an adult loved one living with a mental health condition.
Mondays beginning September 9. Learn More
Advance Registrations taken by NAMI. Register Now.
Class size is limited to (20). As this course is funded by the Rock Island Mental Health 708 Board, residents of Rock Island County are given registration priority. For further information, call our NAMI office at 563-386-7477-x 266 (M-F 10-2).
An eight-session course for family members, caregivers and friends of an adult loved one living with a mental health condition.
Class size is limited to (20). For further information, call our NAMI office at 563-386-7477-x 266 (M-F 10-2).
An eight-session course for family members, caregivers and friends of an adult loved one living with a mental health condition.
Class size is limited to (20). As this course is funded by the Eastern Iowa Mental Health Region, residents of Muscatine, Cedar, Scott, Jackson and Clinton counties are given registration priority. For further information, call our NAMI office at 563-386-7477-x 266 (M-F 10-2).
An eight-session course for family members, caregivers and friends of an adult loved one living with a mental health condition.
Free. Register through Scott Community College
Class size is limited to (20). As this course is funded by the Eastern Iowa Mental Health Region, residents of Muscatine, Cedar, Scott, Jackson and Clinton counties are given registration priority. For further information, call our NAMI office at 563-386-7477-x 266 (M-F 10-2).
An eight-session course for family members, caregivers and friends of an adult loved one living with a mental health condition.
Tuesdays from February 13 to April 9. Learn More
Free. Register through Muscatine Community College
Class size is limited to (20). As this course is funded by the Eastern Iowa Mental Health Region, residents of Muscatine, Cedar, Scott, Jackson and Clinton counties are given registration priority. For further information, call our NAMI office at 563-386-7477-x 266 (M-F 10-2).
An eight-session course for family members, caregivers and friends of an adult loved one living with a mental health condition.
Tuesdays beginning September 19. Learn More
Class size is limited to (20). As this course is funded by the Henry County Mental Health 708 Board and the Henry County Mental Health Alliance, residents of Henry County are given registration priority. For further information, call our NAMI office at 563-386-7477-x 266 (M-F 10-2).