Make It OK to talk about mental health

Hosted by our friends at the Davenport Public Library. Presented by NAMI Board President Terry Haru, PhD.

Terry Haru a picture of a man
Terry Haru, PhD

Prior to our current pandemic, nearly 20 percent of people experienced some form of mental illness. Now that we are in the middle of it, mental health challenges have affected even more people.

Unfortunately, most of those affected by mental illness either delay seeking help, often for years, or not at all, primarily due to the stigma associated with it.

The Make It OK presentation is designed to help reduce stigma by doing three things.  First, to increase awareness of what is stigma and mental illness.  Second, to inform people what and what not to say to someone who has shared that they have a mental illness.  And, third, to identify resources you could use to increase your understanding of mental illness and contribute to ending the stigma surrounding it.

Register Now.

Make it OK presentation to JD PCC

Board member Kris Voyna will present to an internal John Deere audience.

If you would like a free community presentation about mental illness and how to support someone in your workplace or place of worship – this is a great starting place for discussions. Comes in 30-minute and 60-minute formats. Contact for more information.